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Showing posts from April, 2009

Teknologi SMS Gateway dengan AT Command di Fox Pro

Berikut ini saya posting contoh aplikasi SMS Gateway dengan AT Command di Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, yang didapat dari . Caranya buka Ms. VFP anda dan pilih new - program, lalu di copy paste sintak berikut ini kemudian RUN (Ctlr + E): *!* Aplikasi SMS dengan Visual FoxPro via IrDA *!* Created by : Handi Rusli *!* Member Of *!* Komunitas Programmer FoxPro Indonesia LOCAL oForm as Form oForm = CREATEOBJECT("FormSMS") oForm.Show(1) RETURN DEFINE CLASS FormSMS AS form DataSession = 2 Height = 440 Width = 527 AutoCenter = .T. Caption = "Aplikasi SMS dengan Visual FoxPro" ADD OBJECT sms as mysms WITH Visible = .F. ADD OBJECT pageframe1 as mypageframe1 ADD OBJECT label1 AS myLabel WITH ; Caption = "Com Port :", ; Height = 17, ; Left = 67, ; Top = 126, ; Width = 60 ADD OBJECT label2 AS myLabel WITH ; FontBold = .T., ; FontName = "Verdana", ; FontSize = 10, ; Caption = " (Komunitas Prog...